Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's Puzzling

My husband used to love puzzles. (Here's the link to a post about that and how we ended up doing piles of jigsaw puzzles.) Now he seems to have lost interest in jigsaws, other than to say "That's a pretty one" when he sees the picture on the box. Yesterday, I got out a puzzle with a photo of a horse on the front of the box, as he usually enjoys looking at horses and often chooses those puzzle subjects.

It was a 100-piece puzzle. I put the border together for him, because that's become impossible for him to do. I encouraged him to find pieces for me as I worked the puzzle "with" (read "for") him. He didn't. In fact, he started to break apart pieces that were already together. I continued to encourage him to help me, but he just sat there and watched me. Finally, there was just one piece left. Just one. And just one empty space for the piece.

"Go ahead and finish the puzzle," I suggested cheerfully.

"Okay," he responded as he sat there, looking at me without making a move.

"Honey, go ahead and finish the puzzle," I reminded him.

"How?" he asked.

"Well, there's one piece left, and one place for it to go," I said, pointing first to the piece and then to the empty space. I repeated this process several times.

But he didn't look where I was pointing as you might expect someone to do. He just stared at me uncomprehendingly. I tried again and again, but to no avail. He seemed confused and annoyed, still making no move to even attempt to pick up and place the puzzle piece.

Someone has suggested that I try easier puzzles, so I'll do that. But I don't hold out much hope. So much has been lost in the past few months, I hardly know where to start.

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