Friday, December 27, 2019

Merry Christmas


This will be the second Christmas without my husband at home, and so far it's harder than the first one. I had to force myself to even bake a few cookies, and I'm very grateful to our son and daughter-in-law, who will be hosting Christmas dinner at their house. I won't have to cook, which is a good thing. Because I don't feel like cooking.

I don't feel like cooking.
I don't feel like cleaning.
I don't feel like wrapping gifts.
I don't feel like decorating.

I don't even feel like attending Christmas Eve service, which is usually something I really look forward to. But I'll do it anyhow, because I promised a friend I would take her with me.

I have a Big Birthday coming up next month, and I don't feel like celebrating. Our 50th wedding anniversary is coming up the month after that. It was supposed to have been a big reception at the Vet's Hall with all our friends and family, followed by a special trip with my One and Only. But I guess now it'll just be a visit where I bring a steak dinner, some balloons, and a cake to share with the other residents at the facility.

Yes, I'm having a pity party. It's my pity party, and I'll sulk and pout and complain if I want to. Cause that, my friends, is what I do feel like doing.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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