Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Update

Greetings, all,

As the world battles COVID-19, many of you have asked how this pandemic affects my ability to see my husband. So, here's the scoop, which is subject to change daily, or even hourly.

Surrounding counties have issued shelter-in-place orders; however, our county (his facility is in the same county) has not done that. Yet. We are still social distancing or self-isolating, for now. Being in the high-risk age group myself and not wanting to carry infection to the facility, though I have no reason to believe I've been exposed, I have been largely self-isolating and keeping my distance for some time, anyway. Just in case.

Last week, when all this was seemingly coming down around our heads like a runaway freight train, the facility began new check-in procedures for all "essential" visitors that start with a trip to the main office for health screening. If the screening is passed, a special badge is issued so the care workers know to admit the visitor to the resident areas. Essential visitors include medical personnel and immediate family of residents in hospice care. Visitors are not allowed for residents not in hospice care.

Since my husband is in hospice care, I am "allowed" to visit him but have chosen not to do so until several more days of self-isolation have passed. Is it hard? Yes, it is. I just received a phone call from the hospice nurse, who assured me that he's stable, and there's no reason for concern at this time. I'll take it.

Thank you all for your care, concern, and prayers for us. I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you are sharing our journey. I send you virtual hugs from a safe distance.


UPDATE:  And, within minutes of posting, the county has now issued a shelter-at-home order.

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