Saturday, June 13, 2020

What a Difference a Day Makes

June 12

I finally got some sleep last night, so I was in a pretty good mood when I walked into my awake husband's room and stood at the foot of the bed, greeting him with a big smile. Of course, it occurred to me by the look in his eyes that he was surely wondering who was behind the mask!

Just then, the caregiver came in with his lunch. After first closing his mouth firmly and turning his head away (more interaction and communication, albeit silent, than has been usual of late), he deigned to try a spoonful of whatever the beige pureed matter was. He must have liked it, because he soon swallowed and opened his mouth for another spoonful. And another.

The atmosphere in the room was upbeat as I chatted with the caregiver, we laughed about something or other, we made teasing remarks to my husband, and he continued eating without falling asleep between bites. Most unusual.

By then, being social distanced from the caregiver, I had lowered my mask for my husband so he could see my face grinning at him. He responded with a real smile and a widening of his eyes and a pursing of his lips. And then he reached towards me, hand extended to hold mine. Well, dear reader! Was I a happy camper? Yes, indeed! He fell asleep soon after finishing his meal, my hand firmly clasped in his as I sat on the edge of his bed.

And so, you see, even now God has apparently decided to surprise me with precious moments, unexpected gifts, of joy and hope. He knows just what I need. He has been, is, and will be so good, always good.


  1. A good day is a good day! We take them with wonderment whenever they come along. So glad one came your way. God is good, God is good all the time.

    1. Yes! Every day is a blessing from God, and every good day is a miracle.
