Saturday, September 30, 2017

Did You See That?

People with advancing Alzheimer's often see or hear things that aren't there. We've had a few of those incidents here, with the latest one being this morning.

My husband was walking past the stairway that leads to the Man Cave area. He looked down the stairs and said, "Hey! What are you doing down there?!"

Instead of trying to reassure him that there was nobody but us around, as I have been known to do in the evening when he wants to check the darkened house for activity by others before, during, and after going to bed, I decided to "go with it" and asked, "Did you see someone, honey?"

"Yes, I did," he replied.

"I'll go down and check," I said, already on my way down the stairs. I looked around briefly, because you never know. There actually might have been someone down there, right? But of course there wasn't.

"They must have left," I explained on my way back up the stairs, and that seemed to satisfy him. Or maybe he had already forgotten all about it. You know what? It was much better than arguing about whether or not he had really seen anything. I am learning.


  1. My next door neighbor had this. A bunch of people in the house all the time, telling him what he should do. Hang in there, you are doing the right things....
