Saturday, March 16, 2019

Pins and Needles, Part Deux

Sometimes, an answer isn't an answer. It feels more like a question. My husband was weighed, and he appears to have lost a pound or two. On the face of it, according to what I've been told in the past, that's not-so-good news; however, the hospice nurse advised me to not be overly concerned. After all, she explained, the weigh-in method at the facility is something less than scientific, apparently.

In order to really track weight accurately, it should be checked at the same time of day, wearing the same clothing, having eaten the same amount of food and consumed the same amount of liquid, and having toileted. And sitting very still on the chair scale with your feet firmly on the footrests. There's really no way to do all of that consistently at a memory care facility.

He weighs about the same as he did at the January weigh-in, assuming that was accurate. Perhaps February's number showing a slight gain was off. Perhaps it wasn't. Maybe he has lost some, maybe not. So now we wait for next month's figure.

And then it'll be pins and needles, part three.

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